Sunday, April 24, 2011


Birthdays are a wonderful celebration of life, a time to reflect on the past year, time to look forward to the next year. I love celebrating birthdays, and it comes as no surprise that I love celebrating the people I love. M had a wonderful birthday this year (at least I like to hope). His sweet family came down on Friday, we spent the day hanging out, going to a wonderful lunch, great movie, and topped it all off with a delish dinner on the Riverwalk. It was such a treat to have them in SA :)

On Saturday, M's family had to get back, so we went fishing at Choke Canyon. M is such a fisherman! He loves spending time on the lake, hoping for the next big catch. It is by far his most favorite thing to do with his Dad. We have been dating 2.5years, but yet, we have never been fishing together. I respect that this is a "man" activity, and I did not want to tread on those "waters." BUT I knew how much he loved fishing, so I thought, what a better way to spend the rest of his birthday weekend. So I gathered all the fishing supplies, our fishing "outfits" (because of course you need an outfit to fish in) and packed a picnic. While the big fish got away that day, we had the most wonderful time outside, enjoying the lake, enjoying each other's company, and I actually enjoyed M teaching me how to fish!

I am so thankful to have M in my life, thankful for his peaceful demeanor, thankful for his sweet smile, and his gracious heart. What a wonderful year ahead, and I can't wait to see what this year has in store for him. Happy Birthday M!

Riverwalk with the family
Birthday boy and his sweet Mom. 

Birthday cake bites!

Here fishy fishy!

Enjoying the scenery, waiting on the fish to bite!

 I look forward to many more fishing trips with my fisherman. What a wonderful birthday weekend. 

Spontaneity is entering my life.

I am not a spontaneous person, but rather, I am a planner. My life is indicative of needing plans, between M in SA, me in Austin and our wonderful families spread across the state, a plan is always necessary to make sure we have time for ourselves, each other and our families. I love having a plan, our weekends are planned from now until the first of July. Most people would shudder at this fact, but I welcome it, because I know it will be spent with people that we love.

But, back to this spontaneous bug I caught. My friend J invited me to Vegas for the weekend, and it just so happened that I didn't have ANY PLANS!!! So two weeks prior to the trip, I booked my plane ticket, and she booked the hotel. We were all set! I couldn't wait :) This trip was exactly what I wanted, what I needed, to get away from it all!

Vegas was incredible. The time with sweet friends was amazing, and on top of all of that, we got to see CELINE DION!! What a wonderful treat, and a genuine performer. Crossed one thing off the bucket list. Here are so fun pictures from our great weekend.

So thank you sweet friend for inviting me along for a wonderful weekend trip. So thankful for you and grateful for the spontaneity you brought into my life that weekend!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

WW 14

Weight watchers week 14 is behind me, and I am two pounds lighter! YIPPEEE!!

This week I signed up to participate in the Challenge Walk, taking place on 5/21. I am going to build myself up to a 5K, and I want to run the entire thing. Training starts today, and I haven't run anywhere, every in my life. Wish me luck, I"m going to need it!

Total weight loss to date : 16.2lbs
Goal by June 30,2011: 30lbs lost

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Product Review: Dry Shampoo

Every woman has that one vanity item, that one thing about themselves that they love. My one thing is my hair. Call me vain, call me shallow, but I love my hair. It's the one thing I can control, manipulate and shallac into what I want it to do.

But what I hate, is that I have to wash it every single day. Such a beating. I realize there are bigger problems in the world, and yes bigger issues within our lives, but sometimes, washing your hair every single day is such a chore. Because then you have to fix it, every. single. day.

Well, I have found the miracle product. 

BIG SEXY HAIR: Volumizing Dry Shampoo

This stuff is incredible. Not only does it give my hair the fresh, just blow dried, just straighten, just spent a hour trying to make it look nice "look" but it turns my hair into volume over drive. I am now training my hair to go every other day without a wash. So far, it has been so easy with this product! I just wish I would have known about this stuff sooner, then I could have saved so much time. Oh well, live and learn.

Try it, let me know if you like it!

WW 13

So it has been 13 weeks of weight weights, and so far I am down by 14lbs. Last week I was down by 16.2lbs...but I  just had to go and gain 2.2lbs to make this a bit more of a challenge. I know what I did, and I know what put those two pesky pounds back on, and today when I go weight in, I am hoping I lost those, because I am leaving in them in the past.

Last weeks meeting was one of the best meetings I've been to since I've started the program. I'm not one to talk about my weight, to share with pure strangers my struggles, my highlights and my lowest of low points, but with this group, I share. I share stories of what works, what doesn't work, and why I am taking on this new lifestyle. Other women share there stories, and I relate to each and every one of them. I have met some amazing women, who encourage, inspire and guide me on this journey to my new, healthier lifestyle. God knew this is what I needed, and each week, I find myself more and more happy to get on the scale, even if I gain two lbs.