Friday, March 4, 2011

A slow week

This past week I attended my WW meeting and did NOT feel a sense of "skinny." And my goodness my instict was dead on, because I had only lost .2lbs. BUMMER!! But then the sweet lady behind the desk celebrated my wieght loss, and then I realized, HEY I DIDN"T GAIN!!! WAHOOO!!

So now, I have taken a very, very, very active role, writing down every BTL (Bite, Taste or Lick) into my journal. Hopefully next week, I will have a better week. If not, then its high time I meet with my leader one on one to figure out why I'm not reaching my goals each week.

One of my concerns is about going home this weekend. We are going to a wedding on Saturday, and I have already told myself to eat before I go, because who knows what types of foods will be there. I will also be limiting my alcohol intake, because that adds on the calories tremendously!! To make matters a bit easier, I packed a little ice chest to take home with me. Call me crazy, but I am not going to eat bad just because of poor surroundings. I LOVE my mom and LOVE her cooking, but I have to avoid it this weekend. So I have packed my italian turkey sausage, spinach, mushrooms, WW chicken caccatorie (that I cooked last night), and some fruit. Yes, I realize I can get all of this at the grocery in my hometown, but hey, I'm not going to spend MORE money at the grocery store, when I have all this stuff at home. I'd rather haul it around, than buy it again!!

One another note, I have started a little walking club during my lunch break. Some of the women from the office have joined me each day this week for a brisk 30-45 minute walk in the park, and it has been amazing. I feel so much better throughout my day, and I am hoping this really starts to help with my goals.

So here is to another week on my new WW lifestyle! Trying to change my look, while changing my mindset :)

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